The CYP is a collective of young people centred practitioners and organisations, committed to meeting the aims of the ‘Coventry Children and Young People’s Plan’.
We aim for our work to be reflected within strategic plans of local, regional and national policy partners. By aligning policy to practice, we provide a strategic platform for stakeholders to engage with young people in high priority neighbourhoods. We act as a capacity building and innovation body for organisations to align opportunities for young people.
We are committed to ensuring credible provision is available across the city. The network brings together skilled professionals to employability, health and wellbeing, alternative education, arts, culture and social action programmes.
By working together as a network, we are able to share, learn and adapt to the wider needs of the young people in our city. We believe all local youth providers have something unique to contribute to the partnership, and by joining together can enhance the training, resources, expertise and knowledge that strengthen local support for young people.
Through positive relationships between CYP partners and our wider stakeholders, we aim to increase opportunities for local organisations to better collaborate, increase resources and shape new youth services in the city, being there when young people need us most.